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The FIU One Card is the most important card on campus.

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The FIU One Card is your official University identification card.  As a student, faculty, staff, or affliate member, your FIU One Card should be carried at all times while on campus. You’ll need it every day, everywhere.

My Account

See which card is right for you, and what you need to obtain your ID.

Card Types

See which card is right for you, and what you need to obtain your ID.

 Using Your Card

Dine on Campus

Use FIU Cash on your One Card to pay at restaurants and vending machines on campus, access meal plan funds and dining dollars.

Shop on Campus

Use FIU Cash on your One Card to pay at retail and service locations on campus.  Pay for textbooks, printing services, technology, and more.

Commute to Campus

Use you FIU One Card to board the Golden Panther Express bus to and from BBC, and the CATS shuttle to and from Engineering.

Building Access & Perks

Gain access to your housing facility, and enter the recreational center, library, and special events.  Enjoy perks like Student Rewards.

Benefits and Rewards


Easy Account Management

Manage your account in-person or online using GET at FIU.


Get Rewarded

Student Rewards & Employee Perks help you to save money.


Use it everywhere on campus

Use your campus card all over campus.


ATM & Debit Transactions

When linked to a Wells Fargo checking account (optional).

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is the FIU One Card?

The One Card is the official FIU on-campus student identification card, the ONLY card you will need on campus. All Florida International University students, faculty, staff, and university affiliates are required to carry their FIU One Card for identification purposes while on campus

How do I get my FIU One Card?

It’s easy! Just bring your class schedule for the current semester and a government issued photo I.D., such as your driver’s license, military id, or passport, to the FIU One Card Office at MMC or BBC, get your picture taken and get your card!

I have the old PantherCARD, do I need a new FIU One Card?

Yes. Students are now required to carry a new FIU One Card. If you are a student and currently have a PantherCARD, you must stop by the FIU One Card Office at your respective campus to get the new One Card. You may exchange your old PantherCARD for the new FIU One Card at no cost. If you have lost your old PantherCARD, you must pay $15 for the new One Card.

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